Temporary Business License Application

Complete the fields below. Select the Continue button when you are finished. For instructions on a specific section or field, hover on the icon. For information about a section or field, click on the icon.

A zoning verification form is now required to complete a business license application for all in-town businesses. Please download the appropriate form and return to planning staff at City Hall (111 E. Maple Ave.) or cdplanning@indepmo.org to confirm your business is allowed at the proposed location. After downloading the appropriate form you may continue with your online business license application. Planning staff will return the verification form to you and regulated industries staff after review.

Zoning Verification Form Zoning Verification Form for Home Businesses

Business Information


Business Ownership

The Business Ownership describes the ownership structure under which your business is owned and operated.

An Individual (Sole Proprietorship) is one individual in business alone. Sole proprietorships are the most common of business structure.This type of business is simple to form and operate, and may enjoy greater flexibility of management and fewer legal controls. However, the business owner is personally liable for all debts incurred by the business.

A Partnership is composed of two or more persons who agree to contribute money, labor, and / or skill to a business.Each partner shares the profits, losses, and management of the business, and each partner is personally and equally liable for debts of the partnership.Formal terms of the partnership are usually contained in a written partnership agreement.

A Corporation is a more complex.business structure.As a chartered legal entity, a corporation has certain rights, privileges, and liabilities beyond those of an individual.Doing business as a corporation may yield tax or financial benefits, but these can be offset by other considerations, such as increased licensing fees or decreased personal control.Corporations may be formed for profit or nonprofit purposes.

A Limited Liability Partnership is similar to a Partnership except that normally a partner does not have personal liability for the negligence of another partner.

A Limited Liability Corporation is formed by one or more individuals or entities through a special written agreement.The agreement details the organization of the LLC including: provisions for management, assignability of interests, and distribution of profits or losses."

Note: please only enter numbers

If your business activity requires a Missouri Retail Sales Tax Number, you may obtain an application from Missouri Department of Revenue at the Missouri State Office by calling (573) 751-3505 or (573) 751-9268 or visit their website at http://www.dor.mo.gov. Once that sales tax number has been issued to your business, you may then apply for your City of Independence Business License.

Please do not proceed with the application process without the Sales Tax Number if one is required.

NOTE: If your business participates in retail sales you must have a MO Retail Sales Tax Number to complete this application.

You may obtain one by calling: (573) 751-3505 or (573) 751-9268
or visit their website at http://www.dor.mo.gov

Applicant Information



Owner / Manager Information

Answers and information given on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that furnishing false or incomplete information will be grounds for denial of this license. I also understand that there is no refund of the fee that accompanies this application if, for any reason, it is denied.